BOOTCAMP is our signature practice management training programme.It would help you to setup and scale up your Clinic.You would make real money by learning the secrets.
Rotary Endodontics
Our Rotary Endo Programs are very popular and confident boosting.We train Doctors on real patients not on models.Each doctor has to complete a quota of upto 5 to 30 cases.
Dental Implantology
Dental Implants upto 10 cases with anterior zone placement, full mouth case assisting,Immediate extraction sites etc.,
Exodontia & Impaction
If you have not done impaction in your career.Don't worry we would give patients and train you.
Cosmetic Dentistry
All cosmetology procedures ranging from Veneers and Dental LASER are being taught meticulously.


Welcome to Malligai Dental Academy ChennaiThe Best Academy for All Dental courses in India
Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field - Brian tracy
No Dentist has ever become truly successful in his practice without mastering the latest developments in Dentistry by upgrading his knowledge after the college education.
Malligai Dental Academy located in chennai was started with this mission to provide the latest in Dentistry . Malligai Dental academy is an ISO 2001:2008 certified organization. We are one among the world’s largest provider of continuing dental education for Implants, Root canal, LASERS and Practice Management ( first in India)
Malligai Dental Academy is the brain child of Major.Dr.Pravin Prathip.J an EX.Indian Army Dental Corps Officer. He has served in OP RAKSHAK, and in OP RHINO in Jammu & Kashmir. He has served under many prestigious awarded officers of Indian army. His active and illustrious career In the Indian army has helped him recognize the needs in this field.Together Everyone Achieves more. We invite you personally to join us for a great Learning Experience!!
Achieve all of your professional Goals better than you ever thought possible

We offer both Short term (3days) and long term (6 months) courses for General Practitioners and Non Specialists to learn the techniques in Endodontics.
We offer hands on training for those young doctors who wants to get trained on patients as an added value thereby building skill and competence among young dentists

Every Dentist dream is to build a highly successful and Profitable Dental Practice but this does not happen for all but only for a few.This is mainly due to the lack of knowledge for dentists in the business side of dentistry.Major Dr Pravin is a Dental Practice Management Guru who will teach you the business essentials on Dental Practice Marketing,Sales,Operations,Customer service and communication skills.His High Power Bootcamp is a must to attend.

Dental implants have become the first choice in the replacement of missing teeth making it imperative for the general practitioner to understand the science. The Implant Foundation Programme organized by MALLIGAI DENTAL ACADEMY is one such effort that aims at making implantology simpler. This start-up program will give young dental professionals and practitioners a glimpse into the world of Implant Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is becoming the future of Dentistry i hope all of you will certainly agree.The increased demands in Esthetic sense by the general public to look and feel better compels every one of the General Practitioner to undertake specialist training in treating the problems using various cosmetic options like Veneers,Smile makeovers,minor crowding etc

Our LASER course is designed to introduce the novice laser user or potential user to the basic scientific principles involved with laser dentistry, the safety concerns associated with laser utilization, the potential uses of a laser in the dental practice and to provide a hands on experience using one or more lasers.