The Problem: Business do not just run themselves
This is a major reason why business fail.Common leadership failings are
- a lack of direction
- someone not taking charge
- Problems being avoided
- decisions not being made
- a lack of vision ,which results in a business drifting
- insufficient experience at making strategic decisions
- and not managing staff efficiently.
Leadership is like captaining a ship.Irrespective of the size of a ship,it needs someone to be in charge.Without a captain it will sink,hit the rocks or arrive at the wrong decision.
A decision needs to be set for the ship and it needs to be steered throughout the journey.The crew(the staff) need to be managed and the passengers(the customers) need to be looked after.During the journey the ship may hit choppy waters or get diverted.So leadership is required by the captain so that the ship eventually arrives at its intended destination.
Leadership becomes a team effort as a business gets larger.Failings when a business is at this stage include disagreements within the leadership team on future direction and differences of opinion on how the business should be run.
"Leadership is the capacity to
translate vision into reality"
Warren Bennis